Nino Ricci’s award-winning novel The Origin of Species is on track for an April 6th publication date in the U.S., just in time for the 151st anniversary of the publication of the similarly titled volume by Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.
“But mainly, of course, I just want to be loved.” – Nino Ricci
Darwin’s book revolutionized our understanding of the origins of life and remains perhaps one of history’s most influential texts. Ricci’s novel, on the other hand, despite good reviews and a handful of awards, has yet to demonstrate any appreciable impact on the course of human thought.
Asked if he thought his novel would generate a backlash in a country where Darwin’s theories are still considered controversial, Ricci said, “I certainly hope so. I mean, you have to admit that book burnings and that sort of thing can be good for sales. But mainly, of course, I just want to be loved.”
In conjunction with the U.S. publication, Ricci will be setting out on a cross-country tour that will take him to Boston, Princeton, New York, and several small religious bookstores in the American Bible Belt.
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