This page is for the serious bibliophile. It contains a fairly complete list of publications by Nino Ricci, from the notable to the hopelessly obscure, as well as a much patchier list, arranged by type and then alphabetically by author, of publications about Nino Ricci, including reviews, profiles, critical essays, blog posts, YouTube interviews, Ricci-inspired malware, and prospectuses for product tie-ins to Ricci novels.
The about list is very much a work-in-progress. If you know of any items that can be added to it, please add the relevant bibliographical data in the Comments section below
by Nino Ricci
Doubleday Canada, 2015
The Origin of Species
Other Press, New York (2010)
Doubleday Canada, Toronto, 2008 (Anchor Paperback, 2009)
Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 2003 (Mariner Paperback, 2004)
Doubleday Canada, Toronto, 2002 (Anchor Paperback, 2003)
as ЗAвEт, AST Publishers, Moscow, 2009
as Заветът, Perseus Books, Sofia, 2008
as Zavet (tr. Dubravka Srećković Divković), Laguna Publishers, Belgrade, 2008
as Testamentet (tr. Astrid Lundren), Natur och Cultur, Stockholm, 2003
Where She Has Gone
Picador USA, New York, 1998 (Picador Paperbacks, 1999)
Chatto & Windus, Random House, London, 1998 (Vintage Paperback, 1999)
McClelland & Stewart, Toronto, 1997 (Emblem Paperback, 1998)
Perseus Books, Sofia
as La terra del ritorno, Vol 3 (trans. Gabriella Jacobucci), Fazi, Rome, 2004
as Il fratello italiano (trans. Gabriella Jacobucci), Fazi, Rome, 2000
as Dit hon fösvunnit (trans. Astrid Lundgren), Norstedts, Stockholm, 1999
In A Glass House
Picador USA, New York, 1995 (Picador Paperback, 1998)
Sinclair Stevenson, London, 1994 (Minerva Paperback, 1995)
McClelland & Stewart, Toronto, 1993 (M&S paper, 1994; Emblem Ed. 1999)
Perseus Books, Sofia
as U staklenoj kući, Laguna Publishers, Belgrade, 2008
as La terra del ritorno, Vol 2 (trans. Gabriella Jacobucci), Fazi, Rome, 2004
as I ett glashus (trans. Astrid Lundgren), Raben Prisma, Stockholm, 1996
as Glashuset (trans. Frants Gundelach), Forlaget Per Kofod, Copenhagen, 1994
as Das Glashaus (trans. Dirk van Gunsteren), Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart, 1994
Lives of the Saints
Alfred Knopf, New York, as The Book of Saints, 1991 (Picador Paperback, 1995)
Allison & Busby, London, 1990 (Minerva Paperbacks, 1991)
Cormorant Books, Dunvegan, 1990
as Житията на светците, Perseus Books, Sofia, 2007
as Životi svetaca (tr. Nikola Pajvančić), Laguna Publisher, Belgrade, 2007
as La terra del ritorno, Vol 1 (trans. Gabriella Jacobucci), Fazi, Rome, 2004
as 圣徒传/ [Sheng tu zhuan], (trans. Li Ming Yu), Translation Press, Shanghai, 2000
as Zywoty Swietych (tr. Kat. Waszynska), Wydawnictwo Falenica, Warsaw, 1999
as Sventuju Gyvenimai (trans. Valdas Petrauskas), Tyto Alba, Vilnius, 1997
as De Slang en de Onschuld (trans. Inge de Jong), Arena, Amsterdam, 1995
as Vite dei Santi (trans. G. Jacobucci), Monteleone Editore, Vibo Valentia, 1994
as Der Biss der Schlange (trans. D. van Gunsteren), Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart, 1993
as Slangen og de blå øjne (trans F. Gundelach), Per Kofod, Copenhagen, 1992
as Helgonens liv (trans. Astrid Lundgren), Tidens forlag, Stockholm, 1992
as Vidas de santos (trans. Ana M.a de la Fuente), Seix Barral, Barcelona, 1992
as Les yeux bleus et le serpent (trans. Anne Rabinovitch), De Noël, Paris, 1992
Pierre Elliott Trudeau
Éditions du Boréal, Montreal, 2009)
Penguin Group, Toronto, 2009 (Extraordinary Canadians series, ed. John Ralston Saul)
Roots and Frontiers/Radici e frontiere
Tirrenia Stampatori, Torino, 2003 (trans. Carmen Concilio)
- “The Italian Way” [feature] in enRoute, October 2012
- “The Places In Between” [article] in Canadian Geographic, July/August 2011
- “Contre la biographie” [essay] in Argument, trans. Marie-André Lamontagne, V. 13, No. 2, Printemps-Été 2011
- “The Origin of Specious” [essay] in The Chronicle of Higher Education, 23 May 2010
- Foreword to Sense of Place: A Cross-Border Print Exhibition, Windsor Printmaker’s Forum, Windsor, 2009
- Foreword to Morley Callaghan’s A Time for Judas, Exile, Toronto, 2006
- Review of Apostle Paul in The Washington Post, 13 Nov 2005
- ‘World’s End,’ [travel essay] in Solo: Writers on Pilgrimage, ed. K. Govier, M&S, Toronto, 2004
- ‘Passage to Canada,’ [memoir] in Passages, Doubleday Canada, Toronto, 2002
- ‘Prowler,’ [short story] in Toronto Life, August 1999
- “Beneath the Sleep of Ideology: A Critical Afterword,” in Crossing the Sea by DuoDuo, ed. Lee Robinson, trans. Lee Robinson and Yu Li Ming, House of Anansi Press, Toronto, 1998
- ‘Private Eye’ [quarterly column] in Eyetalian Magazine (1995 – 1998)
- ‘Publishers’ Clearing House,’ [memoir] in Writing Home, ed. C. Rooke, M&S, 1997
- ‘Things Fall Apart,’ [memoir] in Writing Away, ed. C. Rooke, M&S, Toronto, 1993
- ‘Home of the Saints’ [travel essay/memoir] in Destinations, Oct 1993
- ‘Questioning Ethnicity,’ [essay] in Alphabet City, No. 2, 1992
- ‘A Canadian Romance,’ [feature] in Toronto Star, 4 Jun 1992, D1-3
- ‘From Fact to Fiction’ [essay] in Italian Canadiana, Vol. 8, 1992
- ‘Where is Here?’ [essay] in Vice Versa, No. 35, Nov/Dec 1991
- ‘Going to the Moon,’ [short story] in Saturday Night, Sept 1990; reprinted in Echoes: Fiction, Media, and Non-Fiction, ed. F. Artichuk et. al., Oxford U. Press, Toronto, 2002
- ‘A Portrait of the Artist in Embryo,’ [article] in Event, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1990
- Review of The Secret Voice, in Books in Canada, Vol. XIX, No. 6, 32-33, 1990
- Review of A Cloud on Sand, in Saturday Magazine, Toronto Star, 1 Sept 1990, M9
- Review of The Last Map is the Heart, in Saturday Magazine, 10 Mar 1990, M7
- Excerpt from Lives of the Saints, in Writ, No. 22, 1990
- Review of Canadian Travellers in Italy, in Saturday Magazine, 6 Jan 1990, M5
- Profile of Luigi Malerba, in Saturday Magazine, 11 Nov 1989, M28
- Excerpt from Lives of the Saints, in The Moosehead Anthology, Vol. XII, 1989
- ‘Fountain,’ [short story] in Ricordi, ed. C.D. Minni, Guernica Editions, Montreal, 1989
- ‘The End/s of Woman,’ [article], in Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, Vol. XI, No. 3, 1987
- ‘Still Life,’ [short story] in The Fiddlehead, No. 146, Winter 1985
about Nino Ricci
- Bemrose, John. Review of Where She Has Gone. MacLean’s 110.42 (1997): 98.
- Commonweal 130.(Sept 12, 2003): p35. Review of Testament.
- Donaldson, Emily. Review of The Origin of Species. Toronto Star. 19 Oct 2008.
- Garview, Maureen. Review of The Origin of Species. Quill & Quire, November 2008.
- Gessel, Paul. “Ricci Tackles Taboos.” Review of Where She Has Gone. Ottawa Citizen Dec. 1997: E1.
- Guttman, Naomi. “Magical Complexity.” Review of Lives of the Saints. Matrix 32 (1990): 74-5.
- McSweeney, Kerry. “Ecce Homo.” Review of Testament. Canadian Literature 176 (2003): 179-80.
- Marshall, Tom. Rev of Lives of the Saints. Quarry 39.3 (1990) 85-87.
- McKay, Ally. “A Gentle and Wise Novel: Review of Lives of the Saints.” N. Ricci. Event 20:1 (1991): 148-50.
- Mirolla, Michael. “Intensity Slips in Ricci’s Second Novel.” Review of In A Glass House. Halifax Daily News 6 Feb. 1994: 45.
- ____. “Relentlessly Serious: Ricci Novel Could Stand a Bit of Lightness.” Review of Where She has Gone. Halifax Daily News 4 Jan. 1998: 45.
- Pivato, Joseph. “After the Saints.” Review of In A Glass House. Canadian Literature 150 (1996): 177-78.
- Rooke, Constance. Review of Lives of the Saints. Malahat Review 92 (1990): 114.
- Robertson, Ray. Review of Where She Has Gone. Books in Canada 26.9 (1997): 4-5.
- Stoffman, Judy. “Darkness Lights Ricci’s Imagination.” Review of Where She Has Gone. Toronto Star 27 Sept. 1997: K7.
- Yanofsky, Joel. “Haunting Refrain of What-ifs: Nino Ricci completes Trilogy on Italian Immigrant’s Story.” Review of Where She Has Gone. Montreal Gazette 13 Sept. 1997: H3.
Critical essays
- Besner, Neil. “Lives of the Saints.” Essays on Canadian Writing n47 (Fall 1992 n47): pp69(5).
- Canton, Licia. “The Clash of Languages in the Italian-Canadian Novel,” in Adjacencies: Minority Writing in Canada. Ed. Lianne Moyes et al. Toronto: Guernica, 2004.
- Imboden, Roberta. “The hyperbolical project of Cristina: a Derridean analysis of Ricci’s Lives of the Saints.” The Dalhousie Review 72.n1 (Spring 1992): pp38(14).
- Kuester, Martin. “Lives of the Saints.” Canadian Literature n132 (Spring 1992 n132): pp176(2).
- Mullen, Amanda. “Neither here nor there: redirecting the homeward gaze in Nino Ricci’s Lives of the Saints, In a Glass House and Where She Has Gone.” Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal 36.2 (Summer 2004): p29(22).
- Niccoli, Gabriel. “Between two strange and distant shores: fragments of personal connectedness to Nino Ricci’s Lives of the Saints trilogy.” New Quarterly 93 (Winter 2005): p131(12).
- Rimmer, Mary. “Nino Ricci: a big canvas.” Studies in Canadian Literature 18.2 (Annual 1993): p168-84.
- Tuzi, Marino. The Power of Allegiances: Identity, Culture and Representational Strategies. Toronto: Guernica Editions, 1997.
- Zucchero, Jim. “Migraton, Identity and Hybridity in Nino Ricci’s Novels,” in The Dynamics of Cultural Exchange. Ed. Licia Canton. Montreal: Cusmano Communications, 2002.
Interviews & profiles
- Adams, James. “From Jesus to Darwin”. Globe & Mail, Arts, 14 Oct 2008
- Medley, Mark. Three-part profile on the writing of The Origin of Species. National Post. a) “In The Beginning: Nino Ricci on the origins of his latest novel.” 27 Sept 2008. b) “Ricci Inc.: Meet the agents, editors, designers and publicists who really want you to buy this book.” 4 Oct 2008. c) “Buy My Book; The hard slog begins: the book tour, media scrutiny, mixed reviews.” 11 Oct 2008.
- Rob Mclenna’s Blog. Print interview with Nino Ricci.
- Planta, Joseph. Audio interview with on The Origin of Species.
- Withey, Elizabeth. “Finding common ground with novelist Nino Ricci.” Profile. Edmonton Journal, 6 Nov 2008.