If you’re looking for links for a specific book, try going to the Books tab and clicking on the book you’re interested in. For audio and video files, go to the Gallery tab and scroll down to Video or Audio.
Some print stuff you can peruse:
- Rob Mclenna’s Blog. Print interview with Nino Ricci.
- Medley, Mark. Three-part profile on the writing of The Origin of Species. National Post. a) “In The Beginning: Nino Ricci on the origins of his latest novel.” 27 Sept 2008. b) “Ricci Inc.: Meet the agents, editors, designers and publicists who really want you to buy this book.” 4 Oct 2008. c) “Buy My Book; The hard slog begins: the book tour, media scrutiny, mixed reviews.” 11 Oct 2008.
- Withey, Elizabeth. “Finding common ground with novelist Nino Ricci.” Profile. Edmonton Journal, 6 Nov 2008.
Some audio you can start with:
- As It Happens. Nino Ricci reflects on his writing life. CBCbooks.
Some recent video you might find intriguing:
- RAI International. Catch Nino’s father Virginio speaking to Francesca Alderisi on Cara Francesca.